Development of New Neuroprotective Strategies

One area of focus is the development and clinical translation of neuroprotective therapies that modulate the activity of mitochondria to reduce brain injury. Pre-clinical large animal studies are ongoing to evaluate novel therapeutic strategies that limit mitochondrial hyperactivity and prevent reactive oxygen species (ROS) production following brain injury. Translational projects are focused on cerebral ischemia/reperfusion injury (e.g. cardiac arrest, focal stroke) and traumatic brain injury (TBI).

M-RISE (Michigan Resuscitation Innovation and Science Enterprise)

The Sanderson Lab is leading the basic science project of M-RISE, a new research program to develop and translate novel therapies focused on preventing brain damage caused by cardiac arrest. Ongoing cell culture, rodent, and large animal projects are focused on identifying innovative therapeutics and optimizing dosage and timing of current pre-clinical candidate therapeutic strategies.

M-RISE is funded by the American Heart Association (AHA) and belongs to the Arrhythmias and Sudden Cardiac Death Strategically Focused Research Network.

For more information about M-RISE:

Traumatic Brain Injury

In partnership with the Michigan Center for Integrative Research in Critical Care (MCIRCC), the Sanderson Lab has established a platform for developing neuroprotective strategies for the treatment of TBI. Our system includes in vitro and preclinical models that allow early validation of treatments, and a clinically-relevant, survival model of TBI in swine for translational evaluation. The swine model, vital for translating experimental treatments to clinical evaluation, was developed in collaboration with MCIRCC and is available to MCIRCC members upon request. The Sanderson Lab is focused on targeting the causal role of mitochondria in the progression of brain injury after trauma, however these models will provide a platform for other therapeutic prospects. We are currently evaluating multiple neuroprotective strategies including Therapuetic Near Infrared Light, Intranasal insulin and Intranasal Antisense Oligonucleotide therapies.

TBI studies have been generously funded by the Don and Joyce Massey Family Foundation.

For more information about MCIRCC:

Relevant Publications:

Hsu CH, Tiba MH, McCracken BM, Colmenero CI, Pickell Z, Leander DC, Weitzel AM, Raghunayakula S, Liao J, Jinka T, Cummings BC, Pai MP, Alam HB, Ward KR, Sanderson TH, Neumar RW. (2021). Dose optimization of early high-dose valproic acid for neuroprotection in a swine cardiac arrest model. Resusc Plus. 1-2: 100007.

Hsu CH, Tiba MH, Boehman AL, McCracken BM, Leander DC, Francalancia SC, Pickell Z, Sanderson TH, Ward KR, Neumar RW. (2020). Aerosol generation during chest compression and defibrillation in a swine cardiac arrest model. Resucitation.. 159:28-34.

Tiba MH, McCracken BM, Cummings BC, Colmenero CI, Rygalski CJ, Hsu CH, Sanderson TH, Nallamothu BK, Neumar RW, Ward KR. (2019). Use of resuscitative balloon occlusion of the aorta in a swine model of prolonged cardiac arrest. Resuscitation. 140: 106-112.

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