
For a complete and most up-to-date listing of publications: click here


Fogo GM, Raghunayakula S, Emaus KJ, Torres Torres FJ, Wider JM, Sanderson TH. Mitochondrial membrane potential and oxidative stress interact to regulate Oma1-dependent processing of Opa1 and mitochondrial dynamics. FASEB J. 2024 Sep 30;38(18):e70066. doi: 10.1096/fj.202400313R. PMID: 39312414

Pham L, Arroum T, Wan J, Pavelich L, Bell J, Morse PT, Lee I, Grossman LI, Sanderson TH, Malek MH, Hüttemann M. Regulation of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation through tight control of cytochrome c oxidase in health and disease - Implications for ischemia/reperfusion injury, inflammatory diseases, diabetes, and cancer. Redox Biol. 2024 Nov 10;78:103426. doi: 10.1016/j.redox.2024.103426. Online ahead of print. PMID: 39566165 

Trimpin S, Yenchick FS, Lee C, Hoang K, Pophristic M, Karki S, Marshall DD, Lu IC, Lutomski CA, El-Baba TJ, Wang B, Pagnotti VS, Meher AK, Chakrabarty S, Imperial LF, Madarshahian S, Richards AL, Lietz CB, Moreno-Pedraza A, Leach SM, Gibson SC, Elia EA, Thawoos SM, Woodall DW, Jarois DR, Davis ETJ, Liao G, Muthunayake NS, Redding MJ, Reynolds CA, Anthony TM, Vithanarachchi SM, DeMent P, Adewale AO, Yan L, Wager-Miller J, Ahn YH, Sanderson TH, Przyklenk K, Greenberg ML, Suits AG, Allen MJ, Narayan SB, Caruso JA, Stemmer PM, Nguyen HM, Weidner SM, Rackers KJ, Djuric A, Shulaev V, Hendrickson TL, Chow CS, Pflum MKH, Grayson SM, Lobodin VV, Guo Z, Ni CK, Walker JM, Mackie K, Inutan ED, McEwen CN.  New Processes for Ionizing Nonvolatile Compounds in Mass Spectrometry: The Road of Discovery to Current State-of-the-Art. J Am Soc Mass Spectrom. 2024 Oct 7. doi: 10.1021/jasms.3c00122. Online ahead of print. PMID: 39374043

VanZalen JJ, Nakashima T, Phillips A, Hill JE, Westover AJ, Lou L, Liao J, Mergos J, Fogo G, Sanderson TH, Stacey WC, Tiba MH, Humes DH, Bartlett RH, Rojas-Peña A, Neumar RW.  Leukocyte filtration and leukocyte modulation therapy during extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation in a porcine model of prolonged cardiac arrest. Sci Rep. 2024 Jun 7;14(1):13081. doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-63522-w. PMID: 3884447

Correa-Medero LO, Jankowski SE, Hong HS, Armas ND, Vijendra AI, Reynolds MB, Fogo GM, Awad D, Dils AT, Inoki KA, Williams RG, Ye AM, Svezhova N, Gomez-Rivera F, Collins KL, O'Riordan MX, Sanderson TH, Lyssiotis CA, Carty SA. ER-associated degradation adapter Sel1L is required for CD8+ T cell function and memory formation following acute viral infection. Cell Rep. 2024 Apr 29;43(5):114156. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2024.114156. PMID: 38687642 

Kumar A, Ye C, Nkansah A, Decoville T, Fogo GM, Sajjakulnukit P, Reynolds MB, Zhang L, Quaye O, Seo YA, Sanderson TH, Lyssiotis CA, Chang CH. Iron regulates the quiescence of naive CD4 T cells by controlling mitochondria and cellular metabolism. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2024 Apr 23;121(17):e2318420121. doi:10.1073/pnas.2318420121. PMID: 38621136

Liu B, Li M, Wang J, Zhang F, Wang F, Jin C, Li J, Wang Y, Sanderson TH, Zhang R. The role of magnesium in cardiac arrest. Front Nutr. 2024 May 15;11:1387268. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2024.1387268. eCollection 2024. PMID: 38812935 

Morse PT, Arroum T, Wan J, Pham L, Vaishnav A, Bell J, Pavelich L, Malek MH, Sanderson TH, Edwards BFP, Hüttemann M. Phosphorylations and Acetylations of Cytochrome c Control Mitochondrial Respiration, Mitochondrial Membrane Potential, Energy, ROS, and Apoptosis.  Cells. 2024 Mar 12;13(6):493. doi: 10.3390/cells13060493.


Wider JM, Gruley E, Morse PT, Wan J, Lee I, Anzell AR, Fogo GM, Mathieu J, Hish G, O'Neil B, Neumar RW, Przyklenk K, Hüttemann M, Sanderson TH. (2023). Modulation of mitochondrial function with near-infrared light reduces brain injury in a translational model of cardiac arrest. Critical Care. 27: 491.

Morse PT, Pérez-Mejías G, Wan J, Turner AA, Márquez I, Kalpage HA, Vaishnav A, Zurek MP, Huettemann PP, Kim K, Arroum T, De la Rosa MA, Chowdhury DD, Lee I, Brunzelle JS, Sanderson TH, Malek MH, Meierhofer D, Edwards BFP, Díaz-Moreno I, Hüttemann M. Cytochrome c lysine acetylation regulates cellular respiration and cell death in ischemic skeletal muscle. Nature Commun. 2023 Jul 13;14(1):4166. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-39820-8.

Morse PT, Tuck S, Kerns M, Goebel DJ, Wan J, Waddell T, Wider JM, Hüttemann CL, Malek MH, Lee I, Sanderson TH, Hüttemann M. Non-invasive treatment of ischemia/reperfusion injury: Effective transmission of therapeutic near-infrared light into the human brain through soft skin-conforming silicone waveguides. Bioeng Transl Med. 8(3):e10496. doi: 10.1002/btm2.10496. 


Kulek AR, Undyala VVR, Anzell AR, Raghunayakula S, MacMillan-Crow LA, Sanderson TH, Przyklenk K. (2022). Does Disruption of Optic Atrophy-1 (OPA1) Contribute to Cell Death in HL-1 Cardiomyocytes Subjected to Lethal Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury? Cells. 11(19):3083. doi: 10.3390/cells11193083.

Morse PT, Wan J, Bell J, Lee I, Goebel DJ, Malek MH, Sanderson TH, Hüttemann M. (2022). Sometimes less is more: inhibitory infrared light during early reperfusion calms hyperactive mitochondria and suppresses reperfusion injury.  Biochem Soc Trans.  50(5):1377-1388. doi: 10.1042/BST20220446.

Zhang R, Bryson TD, Fogo GM, Liao J, Raghunayakula S, Mathieu J, Wider JM, Ren X, Maheras KJ, Emaus KJ, Gruley E, Chen Y, Neumar RW, Sanderson TH. (2022). Rapid treatment with intramuscular magnesium sulfate during cardiopulmonary resuscitation does not provide neuroprotection following cardiac arrest. Mol Neurobiol. 59(3):1872-1881. doi: 10.1007/s12035-021-02645-x.


Hsu CH, Tiba MH, McCracken BM, Colmenero CI, Pickell Z, Leander DC, Weitzel AM, Raghunayakula S, Liao J, Jinka T, Cummings BC, Pai MP, Alam HB, Ward KR, Sanderson TH, Neumar RW. (2021). Dose optimization of early high-dose valproic acid for neuroprotection in a swine cardiac arrest model. Resusc Plus. 1-2: 100007.

Anzell AR, Fogo GM, Gurm Z, Raghunayakula S, Wider JM, Maheras KJ, Emaus KJ, Bryson TD, Wang M, Neumar RW, Przyklenk K, Sanderson TH. (2021). Mitochondrial fission and mitophagy are independent mechanisms regarding ischemia/reperfusion injury in primary neurons. Cell Death Dis. 12: 475. 

Light Therapy Treatment. United States 11020604. 2021 June. United States Patent Office.

Fogo GM, Anzell AR, Maheras KJ, Raghunayakula S, Wider JM, Emaus KJ, Bryson TD, Bukowski MJ, Neumar RW, Przyklenk K, Sanderson TH. (2021). Machine learning-based classification of mitochondrial morphology in primary neurons and brain. Sci Rep. Mar 4;11(1):5133. 

Hsu CH, Tiba MH, Boehman AL, McCracken BM, Leander DC, Francalancia SC, Pickell Z, Sanderson TH, Ward KR, Neumar RW. (2020). Aerosol generation during chest compression and defibrillation in a swine cardiac arrest model. Resucitation. Feb;159:28-34. 

Shah EJ, Sanderson TH, Hüttemann M, Gurdziel K, Ruden DM. Inhibiting mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase down regulates gene transcription after traumatic brain injury in Drosophila.  Front Physiol. Mar 15:12:628777.

Morse PT, Goebel DJ, Wan J, Tuck S, Hakim L, Hüttemann CL, Malek MH, Lee I, Sanderson TH, Hüttemann M. (2020). Cytochrome c oxidase-modulatory near-infrared light penetration into the human brain: Implications for the noninvasive treatment of ischemia/reperfusion injury. IUBMB Life. Mar;73(3):554-567.


Zhou Z, Torres M, Sha H, Halbrook CJ, Van den Bergh F, Reinert RB, Yamada T, Wang S, Luo Y, Hunter AH, Wang C, Sanderson TH, Liu M, Taylor A, Sesaki H, Lyssiotis CA, Wu J, Kersten S, Beard DA, Qi L. (2020). Endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation regulates mitochondrial dynamics in brown adipocytes. Science. 368(6486): 54-60.

Kalpage HA, Wan J, Morse PT, Zurek MP, Turner AA, Khobeir A, Yazdi N, Hakim L, Liu J, Vaishnav A, Sanderson TH, Recanati MA, Grossman LI, Lee I, Edwards BFP, Hüttemann M. (2020). Cytochrome c phosphorylation: Control of mitochondrial electron transport chain flux and apoptosis. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 121: 105704.

Kulek AR, Anzell A, Wider JM, Sanderson TH, Przyklenk K. (2020). Mitochondrial Quality Control: Role in Cardiac Models of Lethal Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury. Cells. 9(1): 214.

Strubakos CD, Malik M, Wider JM, Lee I, Reynolds CA, Mitsias P, Przyklenk K, Hüttemann M, Sanderson TH. (2020). Non-invasive treatment with near-infrared light: A novel mechanisms-based strategy that evokes sustained reduction in brain injury after stroke. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 40(4): 833-844.


Kalpage HA, Vaishnav A, Liu J, Varughese A, Wan J, Turner AA, Ji Q, Zurek MP, Kapralov AA, Kagan VE, Brunzelle JS, Recanati MA, Grossman LI, Sanderson TH, Lee I, Salomon AR, Edwards BFP, Hüttemann M. (2019). Serine-47 phosphorylation of cytochrome c in the mammalian brain regulates cytochrome c oxidase and caspase-3 activity. FASEB J. 33(12): 13503-13514.

Tiba MH, McCracken BM, Cummings BC, Colmenero CI, Rygalski CJ, Hsu CH, Sanderson TH, Nallamothu BK, Neumar RW, Ward KR. (2019). Use of resuscitative balloon occlusion of the aorta in a swine model of prolonged cardiac arrest. Resuscitation. 140: 106-112. 

Kalpage HA, Bazylianska V, Recanati MA, Fite A, Liu J, Wan J, Mantena N, Malek MH, Podgorski I, Heath EI, Vaishnav A, Edwards BF, Grossman LI, Sanderson TH, Lee I, Hüttemann M. (2019). Tissue-specific regulation of cytochrome c by post-translational modifications: respiration, the mitochondrial membrane potential, ROS, and apoptosis. FASEB J. 33(2): 1540-1553. 

Light Therapy Treatment – Continuation-in-part. 10071261. 2017 April. United States Patent Office


Sanderson TH, Wider JM, Lee I, Reynolds CA, Liu J, Lepore B, Tousignant R, Bukowski MJ, Johnston H, Fite A, Raghunayakula S, Kamholz J, Grossman LI, Przyklenk K, Hüttemann M. (2018). Inhibitory modulation of cytochrome c oxidase activity with specific near-infrared light wavelengths attenuates brain ischemia/reperfusion injury. Sci Rep. 8(1): 3481.

Anzell AR, Maizy R, Przyklenk K, Sanderson TH. (2018). Mitochondrial Quality Control and Disease: Insights into Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury. Mol Neurobiol. 55(3): 2547-2564. 


Mahapatra G, Varughese A, Ji Q, Lee I, Liu J, Vaishnav A, Sinkler C, Kapralov AA, Moraes CT, Sanderson TH, Stemmler TL, Grossman LI, Kagan VE, Brunzelle JS, Salomon AR, Edwards BF, Hüttemann M. (2017). Phosphorylation of Cytochrome c Threonine 28 Regulates Electron Transport Chain Activity in Kidney: IMPLICATIONS FOR AMP KINASE. J Biol Chem. 292(1): 64-79. 

Light Therapy Treatment – Method. 9610460. 2017 April. United States Patent Office .


Kumar R, Bukowski MJ, Wider JM, Reynolds CA, Calo L, Lepore B, Tousignant R, Jones M, Przyklenk K, Sanderson TH. (2016). Mitochondrial dynamics following global cerebral ischemia. Mol Cell Neurosci. 76: 68-75. 


Sanderson TH, Raghunayakula S, Kumar R. (2015). Neuronal hypoxia disrupts mitochondrial fusion. Neuroscience. 301: 71-78. 

Sanderson TH, Gallaway M, Kumar R. (2015). Unfolding the unfolded protein response: unique insights into brain ischemia. Int J Mol Sci. 16(4): 7133-7142. 

Sanderson TH, Raghunayakula S, Kumar R. (2015). Release of mitochondrial Opa1 following oxidative stress in HT22 cells. Mol Cell Neurosci. 64: 116-122. 

Light Therapy Treatment. 8,945,196. 2015 Feb. United States Patent Office.


Przyklenk K, Sanderson TH, Hüttemann M. (2014). Clinical benefits of remote ischemic preconditioning: new insights...and new questions. Circ Res. 114(5): 748-750.

Huttemann M, Doan JW, Goustin AS, Mahapatra G, Shay J, Elbaz H, Grossman LI, Ding Y, Zielski SP, Malek M, Sanderson TH, Lee I. (2014) Regulation of Cytochrome in Respiration, Apoptosis, Neurodegeneration and Cancer – the Good the Bad and the Ugly. Cytochrome C: Electrochemistry, Biological Functions and Pathophysiological Implications. Nova Science Publishers; p.1-38.


Sanderson TH, Mahapatra G, Pecina P, Ji Q, Yu K, Sinkler C, Varughese A, Kumar R, Bukowski MJ, Tousignant RN, Salomon AR, Lee I, Hüttemann M. (2013). Cytochrome C is tyrosine 97 phosphorylated by neuroprotective insulin treatment. PLoS One. 8(11): e78627. 

Sanderson TH, Wider JM. (2013). 2-vessel occlusion/hypotension: a rat model of global brain ischemia. J Vis Exp. 76: 50173. 

Calo L, Dong Y, Kumar R, Przyklenk K, Sanderson TH. (2013). Mitochondrial dynamics: an emerging paradigm in ischemia-reperfusion injury. Curr Pharm Des. 19(39): 6848-6857. 

Sanderson TH, Reynolds CA, Kumar R, Przyklenk K, Hüttemann M. (2013). Molecular mechanisms of ischemia-reperfusion injury in brain: pivotal role of the mitochondrial membrane potential in reactive oxygen species generation. Mol Neurobiol. 47(1): 9-23. 

Lagina AT, Calo L, Deogracias M, Sanderson TH, Kumar R, Wider, JM, Sullivan JM. (2013) Combination therapy with insulin-like growth factor-1 and hypothermia synergistically improves outcome after transient global brain ischemia in the rat. Acad Emerg Med. 2013 Apr;20(4):344-51. 


Hüttemann M, Lee I, Gao X, Pecina P, Pecinova A, Liu J, Aras S, Sommer N, Sanderson TH, Tost M, Neff F, Aguilar-Pimentel JA, Becker L, Naton B, Rathkolb B, Rozman J, Favor J, Hans W, Prehn C, Puk O, Schrewe A, Sun M, Höfler H, Adamski J, Bekeredjian R, Graw J, Adler T, Busch DH, Klingenspor M, Klopstock T, Ollert M, Wolf E, Fuchs H, Gailus-Durner V, Hrabě de Angelis M, Weissmann N, Doan JW, Bassett DJ, Grossman LI. (2012). Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 4 isoform 2-knockout mice show reduced enzyme activity, airway hyporeactivity, and lung pathology. FASEB J. 26(9): 3916-3930. 

Reynolds CA, Huttemann M, Przyklenk K, Sanderson TH.  (2012) Hypoxia-induced damage to the adult and immature brain: molecular mechanism of oxidative damage and the need for targeted therapeutic intervention. Hypoxia: Causes, Types and Management. 2013. Nova Science Publishers. p.1-38.

Hüttemann M, Lee I, Grossman LI, Doan JW, Sanderson TH. (2012). Phosphorylation of mammalian cytochrome c and cytochrome c oxidase in the regulation of cell destiny: respiration, apoptosis, and human disease. Adv Exp Med Biol. 748: 237-264. 

Hüttemann M, Helling S, Sanderson TH, Sinkler C, Samavati L, Mahapatra G, Varughese A, Lu G, Liu J, Ramzan R, Vogt S, Grossman LI, Doan JW, Marcus K, Lee I. (2012). Regulation of mitochondrial respiration and apoptosis through cell signaling: cytochrome c oxidase and cytochrome c in ischemia/reperfusion injury and inflammation. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1817(4): 598-609. 


Hüttemann M, Pecina P, Rainbolt M, Sanderson TH, Kagan VE, Samavati L, Doan JW, Lee I. (2011). The multiple functions of cytochrome c and their regulation in life and death decisions of the mammalian cell: From respiration to apoptosis. Mitochondrion. 11(3): 369-381. 


Sanderson TH, Deogracias MP, Nangia KK, Wang J, Krause GS, Kumar R. (2010). PKR-like endoplasmic reticulum kinase (PERK) activation following brain ischemia is independent of unfolded nascent proteins. Neuroscience. 169(3): 1307-1314. 

Hazelton JL, Balan I, Elmer GI, Kristian T, Rosenthal RE, Krause G, Sanderson TH, Fiskum G. (2010). Hyperoxic reperfusion after global cerebral ischemia promotes inflammation and long-term hippocampal neuronal death. J Neurotrauma. 27(4): 753-762. 


Sanderson TH, Kumar R, Murariu-Dobrin AC, Page AB, Krause GS, Sullivan JM. (2009). Insulin activates the PI3K-Akt survival pathway in vulnerable neurons following global brain ischemia. Neurol Res. 31(9): 947-958. 


Sanderson TH, Kumar R, Sullivan JM, Krause GS. (2008). Insulin blocks cytochrome c release in the reperfused brain through PI3-K signaling and by promoting Bax/Bcl-XL binding. J Neurochem. 106(3): 1248-1258.